
Appointment Booking is via eHealthAssist(eHA) or ManaDr App for both Android and IOS

Opening hours

Children Clinic: 8.30am-12 noon-Mon, Wed, Fri and Sat; Afternoon Clinic 2pm-4pm Mon, Wed only

Family Medicine Clinic: 8.30am-12 noon Daily; Afternoon Clinic Mon-Fri 2-30pm-5pm

We are closed on all Public Holidays

Clinic Consultation Information

Covid-19 Infection

As we enter the community phase of the disease, it implies that the source of the virus could be any one of our neighbour. As cases of the infection could be pre-symptomatic or even asymptomatic, status of infectiousness may be unknown. Therfore it becomes prudent now for us to be masked up when we are outside our home with strict social distancing observance when we are out for essential services.

In support of above measures, the clinic encourages consultation by appointment to "distant" our patients so as to minimise intermingling as much as possible. Please come to the clinic with the minimum family member possible to reduce unnecessary exposure.

Apps for obtaining Appointment

Appointment can be obtained via the 2 Apps which are linked to our clinic system viz. eHealth Assist or ManaDr available both in IOS and Android phones.

Appointment can be booked using the following Channels:
Links are provided below for your installation if needed for respective IOS